Friday, January 23, 2015

In Which I Tell You About the Cockroach n My Bathroom

Did I ever tell you about the cockroach in my bathroom?

No? Nada? Negative?

Alright, here you go. 

It was a normal morning, and I was about to take my daily shower (well duh of course I bathe everyday), when I stepped inside the shower area and accidentally stepped on a... you guessed it, cockroach. It would've been a pretty traumatizing thing if I WERE afraid of cockroaches (which I'm not) but since I'm not (did I mention that already?) it was just a basic regular experience for me, as if stepping on a lizard (oh wait that isn't normal either is it...). Unfortunately though, my foot was way too heavy for the poor little thing that it got squished, and its innards started oozing out. I know, that's pretty graphic and disgusting, I have to agree with you on that. The thing is though, the cockroach wasn't actually dead yet. Cockroaches have this weird life span, it's like they have nine lives (oh wait that's a cat) that makes it impossible for basic people to kill them. But since I'm not a basic person -  I was blessed with awesome cockroach killing skills that manifested ever since I was 8 years old and had my first encounter with a living cockroach who tried to live in my shoe, wait okay let's not get carried away - I was able to kill the cockroach. Well of course, I don't really relish on the thought of killing or dead cockroaches. Even if I'm totally capable of doing this cockroach murder, I wouldn't really do it for no reason because I'm kind of part Buddhist and we have this belief that you get reincarnated to smaller beings like cockroaches if you do bad things, and of course I didn't want that. But then, I considered the situation, and decided that the cockroach had to die - to get it out of its misery. I mean I had already squished it, and it was still alive, probably suffering. So for it to die would be a good thing right? So I killed it. I won't get into too much detail with how I did the deed, but just so you know it involved my foot of course. Here's a picture of the cute little mongrel:

Too bad he had to die.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

In Which I Ignore My 4 Month Disappearance After Post 1 And Talk About Life

I haven't really been the greatest human being in a while and I hope to find the cause of that pretty soon. I keep making excuses to get out of things by pointing out my busy busy life, and yet I still find time to zone out and pretty much lie around and stare out into oblivion.

Things Kimi has or has not been doing since school started and I got back from America:

1. Basically let my closet become a battlefield. Clothes are strewn all over the place I'm not even sure where my underwear are....... But rest assured I still wear underwear everyday, but just keep on using 3 certain ones because they're the only ones I can find. Okay, TMI.
2. Sold my soul to the orgs. I started out the school year dreading my orgs namely Lulu and Lala (duh I can't say...) and I honestly wanted to quit everything even that god forsaken VP position, but I ended up actually loving every moment of it...???
3. Neglected my book blog and my reading challenge, causing me to be 20 books behind schedule and forgetting to post important things on the blog. I suck at this I really really do.
4. Went out every week in the month of June because my friends are totally awesome, and even if my bed was calling out to me.
5. Started watching anime again. Namely, Free! Found something new to fangirl over, because gay dudes swimming is just so attractive.
6. Tried to use my new drawing tablet, but failed miserably. Though, with some practice I might get better. JUST MIGHT. Hopefully.
7. Crammed/cramming my thesis. We are defending this term, there is no alternative.
8. Lied, and lied. And lied. And lied. Kimi is such a liar.
9. Maybe assigned two crushes after a no crush drought. I'm trying to get better at this whole crush thing just because I kind of want to feel better about myself. But that makes no sense. Whoopeedoo.
10. Didn't read any of my school readings. As usual.
11. Met a bunch of famous people because of SMC. This is my 2nd year and there are no regrets at all. Might've told an international news anchor from BBC about my theory of aliens kidnapping the Malaysian plane that disappeared. 
12. Found inspiration to become in media again. Thankfully. Not sure which path, but all I know is that I like media. That's that.
13. Got some sponsors for org. I am getting better at this. Good for me.
14. My acads are still same old same old. No updates on that department, because everyone knows I'm GC (grade conscious) and at the same time indifferent about my acads. 
15. Kind of pumped up to start swimming again, when the balikbayan box from US arrives with my swimsuit maybe I'll do.
16. Still reading. Finding time to read everyday.
17. Still writing. Finding time to write everyday.

Well so far that's all I've been doing and I probably forgot some things. But anyway, see I am quite a busy penguin but I am enjoying my life anyhow. Juggling all of these things like acads orgwork and hobbies is hard work but I am up to the challenge because I am awesome. 

Hopefully my next blog post could actually be about how I could become a better human being. Hopefully.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

In Which I Tell You Why I Made a Personal Blog

... and in which I tell you there is no definite reason for creating this blog,  other than because I want to.

Isn't that the best reason for doing anything ever?

I discovered blogging when I was 11 years old and in a span of 3 years I had 3 blogs up and running. When I started college, I went under the radar for a while when it came to blogging. Now, I rediscovered the joy of blogging, because of my book blog and TV blog, both I created only this year.

I don't know what got me into it again, aside from the fact that I sincerely missed writing and posting things on the Internet for everyone to see. Oh oops, that kind of sounded differently in my head. Anywho, there's just this therapeutic feeling I get every time I finish a blog post, and it doesn't even matter to me if anyone's reading - it's just great to get things out.

Through this personal blog, I wish to make sense out of my fantastic albeit uneventful and sometimes boring life, and hope to find myself amidst all my hobbies and fangirling. Because, really, who am I without all my obsessions? I'm not so sure myself. So in this personal blog, I will be talking about my life OUTSIDE these things and hopefully become a step closer to find out who I am.


Alright, that was some crap I pulled out of my ass. Really sounded all flowery huh. Okay now I have to get some schoolwork done, and I don't even know where to begin. So, adios, ciao, goodbye - whatever.

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